


The Questions feature in the Think Exam Panel lets administrators and instructors easily create, manage, and organize different types of questions for exams. Key highlights are:
Question Types: The platform offers various question formats, like multiple-choice, true/false, fill in the blanks, matching, essay, and short answer. This allows you to assess a wide range of knowledge and skills effectively.
The administrator can customize questions by including answer options, specifying the correct answers, offering hints or explanations, and assigning scores or points.
This allows for tailored assessments based on the learning objectives and exam requirements.
The Think Exam panel helps you easily add multimedia elements such as pictures, charts, diagrams or videos to your questions.
This further enhances the exam experience by accommodating visual or interactive elements when necessary


The "Subject" feature in the Think Exam panel lets administrators organize questions into particular subjects or topics.
If you are creating questions, then subject is mandatory to create.

Steps to create Subjects 

In the Test manager, find and click on the "Subjects" or "Subjects/Topics" option.

Look for an "Add Subject" button or a "ADD" symbol, usually positioned at the top or bottom of the subjects list.

Click on the "Add Subject" button to initiate the subject creation process.
Finally, click on the "Save" or "Create" button to create the subject.
Here, the Subject is created

There are 14 types of questions, we can add  i.e.,

• Multiple Choice
• Multiple Response
• Match Matrix
• Match Following
• Fill in the blanks
• True False
•  Essay
• Single digit
• Subjective Type
• Selective
• Statement Single Mapping
• Statement Multiple Mapping
• Two Part Analysis
• Multi-Source Reasoning.

We can create questions in 3 ways :-

Through EXCEL
Through Word Parser.


Steps to create questions manually
In the navigation menu, find and click on the "Questions" or "Question Bank" option.

Upon clicking, you will be taken to the "Questions" page or a similar section where you can manage the question bank.
Look for an "Add Question" button or a "Add" symbol, usually positioned at the top or bottom of the question list.
Click on the "Add Question" button to initiate the question creation process.

Select the appropriate question type from the available options. Common question types may include Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), True or False, Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive Questions, etc.

Once you have selected the question type, a form or dialogue box will appear specific to that question type.

Fill in the necessary details for the question, such as the question itself, answer options (if applicable), and correct answer, marks/points for the question, and any additional information or instructions.

If required, you can add images or attachments to the question by using the provided options or buttons within the question creation form.

Review the question and its details for accuracy.

Click on the "Save" or "Create" button to add the question to the question bank.

Repeat the above steps to add more questions as needed.

Here,  your Questions added successfully. 

Import through EXCEL

• The Import Questions feature through EXCEL simplifies the process of bringing in questions from external sources, streamlining the question creation process. Key point to highlight include:
Bulk Import: Admins can easily bring in multiple questions from external files like Excel spreadsheets instead of manually creating questions. This helpful feature saves a lot of time and effort, especially when working with a large number of questions.

Steps to create questions through EXCEL

To upload questions using Excel in Think Exam, you can follow these steps:
Go to the “Import Question”, click on “Add” option.
Download the sample file

Prepare your question bank in an Excel file. Ensure that you have included the necessary columns for different question attributes such as question text, options (if applicable), correct answer, etc.

Fill in the Question text, subject name, topic name, question type, correct answer and 4 options which are mandatory, and other options that are not mandatory you can skip them, but it is important to not delete them to prevent the errors while uploading.

Save your Excel file in a compatible format that is Excel 97-2003 workbook.
Locate the option to import questions and select it. It may be labelled as "Import Questions,".

In excel you can fill up to 16 options but not more than that.

In the import dialog box, choose the file you prepared. Select the appropriate file format, such as Excel 97-2003 workbook, if prompted.

Review the mapping options if available.

Some platforms provide mapping functionality to match the columns in your Excel file with the corresponding question attributes in Think Exam.

Start the import process. Depending on the size of your question bank, it may take some time to upload and process the questions. Once completed, it will show as successfully uploaded. 

Verify that the questions have been successfully uploaded by checking the question bank or the relevant section where you imported them.

If your document is not in the format, the error messages will be reflected so you can download the error file. From there, you can rectify the error and upload the file again.

Here, the Questions are added through EXCEL successfully

Import through Word Parser

Steps to create questions through Word Parser

To upload questions using the Word Parser feature in Think Exam, you can follow these steps:
Download the word parser from your think exam admin panel.

• Prepare your question bank in a Word document.
Typically, each question should be structured with appropriate formatting and markers to identify different question attributes such as question text, options, correct answer, etc.
To use the Word parser and extract information, you must adjust the file's formatting. This includes aligning the question, option, solution, and answer patterns as outlined in the format below.

Note- You can read only four types of question in word parser. 
Multiple Choice
Multiple Response
Fill in the blanks.
True False

• Save your Word document in a compatible format such as .docx.
Save the parsed questions and add them to the question bank or the relevant section of your choice.

• Verify that the questions have been successfully uploaded by checking the question bank or the relevant section where you imported them.

• Post verification, kindly click next and select the subject and the topics.

• After choosing the subject and topic, click & "Next", specify the marking scheme, assign relevant tags, and proceed to import the questions. This action will upload the questions to your Think Exam admin panel.

Here, your test questions will be published.

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